piano day pittsburgh 2024Quote from PianoDay Pittsburgh,

“Every year for PianoDay we try to have a theme.

We know that behind every great piano is a great piano technician. The 12,000 parts that make up an instrument are subject to climatic changes, felt compression and wear. Only a competent piano tech can attend to all the services needed to keep an amazing instrument from falling into disrepair.
The piano technician is sometimes called the unseen artist because their identity is rarely known. There are no technicians on the list of Steinway artists. Most of us quietly spend hundreds of hours per year just driving from place to place, making the world a better place.
The Pittsburgh chapter of the Piano Technicians Guild has been a regular supporter of PianoDay. This year we celebrate one of our own who passed away in the midst of his brilliant career.
John Williams, RPT was heralded as the best technician between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg. He gave generously of his time as an officer and an instructor to the guild. His strong musical talents spilled over into service for his church and community. He also found time to be a loving husband and father. A genuine Mench. 
He will be missed individually and collectively throughout Southwest Pennsylvania.
So when you come to PianoDay and you hear something wonderful, remember that part of that beauty was provided by the unseen artist.
We still have a few openings for performers on Mount Washington for the September 15 event. If you or your students are interested in scheduling a time, please message me so that we can secure your place. Of course, you are also welcome to just show up and play as the instruments become available.
Free to the public.
We look forward to seeing you.”